
How To Remove Tint Glue From Windows

How To Remove Old Window Tint From Business firm & Edifice Windows

Dec 12, 2019 September 28th, 2020 Web log, How To

Window tint serves various purposes and looks great on edifice windows too. When old or overly scratched, however, it may stress the eye and no longer serve its purpose.

As such, home and building owners should learn how to remove old window tint using effective methods.

Commercial building owners apply tints for their structure'south windows for various reasons. They offer a degree of privacy, protection from UV rays, and also add to their aesthetic value.

Over time, the elements of clothing and tear accept a cost on window tint, and information technology, therefore, loses its value. At this indicate, it has to be removed and replaced. Its lifespan, therefore, depends on its quality, weather elements, and the quality of the installation.

Reasons for Tint Removal

Apart from getting scratched and looking sometime, in that location are other reasons that may demand the removal of window tint. Here are some of them:


Besides looking horrible, bubbling film cannot be fixed. While most people effort fixing this by peeling the tint at the indicate of bubbles, they may end upwards dealing with a bigger mess of removing tint gum and tint portions.

Bubbling is frequently caused by failing adhesive, which really makes information technology easier to remove with little hassle.


Regardless of the colour of your window tint, it eventually turns a purplish shade, and it may exist a good thought to replace it.

At this point, the tint loses its ability to block UV rays, and this event may, therefore, be more than aesthetic. Discoloration comes about due to the breakdown of dyes and is irreparable.


Whenever tint gets old, information technology tends to lose color, and removing it may be the only selection. At that place may be a demand to change the look of building windows, and this, therefore, involves removing the tint when information technology'south notwithstanding in pristine condition.

This might exist messy as the adhesive could still exist strong, and this could require tricks on tint removal.

Constructive methods of tint removal help edifice owners to cut downwardly on the tint removal price. All they need is a can-practise-attitude, some free time, and the required tools for the job.

Luckily, the tools needed for DIY tint removal tin be institute in their toolbox or garage, and getting the job done will probably have a unmarried afternoon.

Almost of the methods of window tint removal involve scraping or using heating devices. Let'south look at some of these effective methods of removing old window tint:

Method one: Hair Dryer

Hairdryers are effective at removing old window tint from business firm windows, especially in dank seasons. The estrus produced makes it easy to peel off the tint.

Finding the right temperature to work with is essential, as too much heat will end upward and breaking large windows and creating a mess that would be difficult to clean.

Here are the materials you would demand for this method:

  • Adhesive remover
  • Steel wool pads
  • Razor blades
  • Cotton fabric/rag
  • Newspaper towels
  • Window cleaner


Step one: Utilize the hairdryer to heat the outer side of the window, maintaining a distance of 4-6 inches from the glass. Using the dryer from the inside may cause the tint to merge with the window.

Step 2: When the window gets warm, start peeling off the tint from the edge of the window (preferably the corner). Alternate between heating and peeling ensures that the adhesive doesn't settle back, and this guarantees an easy time when removing the tint.

Pace iii: Use the razor to peel off any small pieces of tint left on the glass. Using the dryer on these patches helps remove them easily.

Step 4: Employ the adhesive remover and let it sit on the drinking glass for upwardly to 10 minutes earlier cleaning up.

Stride 5: Use the razor and steel wool to scrape off the adhesive until the window is clean. Repeat this step in the instance of stubborn adhesive.

Pace 6: Stop the cleaning process past rubbing the window cleaner and wiping any residue using the newspaper towel to leave the glass sparkling.

Method ii: Steamer Removal

For building owners who may not know how to remove window movie, this method may be a good starting point. By steaming the window for a few minutes, the adhesive melts, and the tint peels off easily.

Steamers distribute heat more than efficiently and therefore eliminate the risk of burning the tint.

Here's what you demand for this method:

  • Steamer
  • Adhesive remover
  • Cotton cloth
  • Water


Step ane: Fill up the steamer with water and give information technology fourth dimension to warm upwardly until information technology steams.

Step two: Heat the window, preferably from the corner area, past holding the steam attachment close to the window. Continue heating until the tint is loose enough to exist removed with a fingernail.

Step 3: Advisedly peel the tint off the window, making sure that the tinting film doesn't leave any tint patches.

Stride 4: Using an adhesive cleaner and paper towel, clean the window to remove any residue.

Method three: Solar Pare (Using Ammonia)

This chemical method of removing old tint comes in handy during the warm seasons. Information technology leaves the window sparkling make clean, and yous probably won't demand a window tint removal spray to clean the windows.

Taking the necessary precautions like wearing a mask is essential to avert inhaling the toxic fumes produced by the ammonia solution.

The materials yous will need for this method include:

  • Blackness trash bags
  • Soapy water
  • Spray bottle
  • Razor knife
  • Fine steel wool
  • Paper towels
  • Cotton fabric


Step 1: Prepare a soapy mixture using warm water and put it in a spray canteen. Cut big pieces of the black trash numberless for covering both sides of the building window.

Step 2: Spray the soapy mixture to the outside of the window and embrace information technology with a piece of the black plastic bags.

Step 3: Once the plastic pocketbook is in place, spray the ammonia solution on the inside of the window in generous amounts. Ensure in that location's sufficient ventilation to avert the effects of ammonia fumes. Proceed whatever furniture and fittings in the building well covered, perhaps using cotton clothes, to prevent damage. Then, cover the inside of the window using another piece of the black plastic bag.

Step 4: Let the setup to sit in the lord's day for an hr or and so. The black plastic bag pieces trap the heat and loosen the agglutinative that holds the window tint motion picture. Later on, remove the plastic pieces.

Step 5: Using the razor pocketknife, pry upward the corner of the tint and carefully skin it off.

Stride vi: Clean whatsoever agglutinative on the window using fine steel wool and ammonia or any other window tint remover and wipe the residue using paper towels.

Of import annotation: Steel wool works very well on most types of drinking glass, simply there is tempered drinking glass out at that place that is super soft and scratches very easily – especially ½" thick Herculite™ glass, simply there are other soft brands.

We recommend testing any blades or steel wool in a small section – low or high corner – somewhere inconspicuous – to see if either has an undesirable effect. If at that place is any scratching, call a professional person window film company to do the work.

Method 4: Soap and Scrape

This method doesn't require much finesse and is therefore effective in removing patches of window tint. However, it is time-consuming and may be strenuous, especially for those who don't know how to remove window tint glue.

Some of the materials you will need for this method include:

  • Soapy water
  • Spray bottle
  • Paper towels
  • Razorblade/knife
  • Glass cleaner


Step 1: Cut the corner of the window picture using the razor blade to create a tab to help pare off the tint film.

Step ii: Grasp the tab and carefully peel off the tint from the window. In case in that location are pocket-sized portions of the tint film left, repeat the peeling process until almost of the tint comes off.

Step 3: Using the spray bottle, spray soapy water on the window to assist remove the agglutinative left behind.

Step 4: Use the razor blade to scrape off the adhesive and ensure the window doesn't dry up past spraying more than soapy water on the working area.

Step 5: Use the drinking glass cleaner and paper towels to clean the window once you're done scraping the adhesive.

Method 5: Soap and Newspaper

Individuals who may be wondering how to remove former window tint from their premises and buildings may as well endeavor this method. Information technology is like to the soap and scrape method and requires little skill.

To remove tint using this method, you will need the post-obit materials:

  • Bucket
  • Warm soapy water
  • Paper towels
  • Razorblade/pocketknife
  • Newspapers
  • Sponge
  • Glass cleaner


Pace one: Put soapy h2o in a saucepan and utilise lots of it on the window, then comprehend it with the newspaper. Allow this setup to sit for an hour, which volition event in the soaking and drying of the newspaper. Add more soapy water whenever the paper dries up.

Step 2: Utilize the razor blade to peel off the newspaper and the layer of tint beneath in long strips.

Stride three: The remaining layer of the tint is removed by rubbing information technology off using the razor bract and should come off hands. For stubborn tint film, repeating this process may yield amend results.


Removing window tint may testify to exist a daunting task for many building owners. As such, most of them opt for hiring the services of professional tint removers. For those who fancy trying such tasks by themselves, using a hairdryer, ammonia, steamer, and soapy water helps remove window tint easily and efficiently.


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